
Genius Trainer

Meet the stronger, faster, and more confident version of yourself.

Making online fitness training truly personal

You are unique, and so should be your fitness journey. I am here to help you achieve your goals through the most personalised training experience possible. Fitness is more than just workouts - what you do, what you eat, how you feel, how you sleep - everything is equally important. Together, you and I will focus on all aspects of your health. Whether you are at home, in the gym, or on the road - I will be part of your fitness journey. I will be there to guide you through tough times, to check your form on video calls, to celebrate your wins, and to be on top of all the last-minute schedule changes.

My Plans

Phase 1 (Men's and Women's Accommodations)

Phase 1 (Men's and Women's Accommodations)

Basic training for the development of training and evolution of the user

Training sessions for a proper start

for 12 Months
Phase 2 (Basic Workout for women)

Phase 2 (Basic Workout for women)

Basic female plan with its training variation

Base workout and with a good rest session

for 12 Months
Phase 2 (Basic Workout for men)

Phase 2 (Basic Workout for men)

Men's training with a simple but powerful modality

Your easy-to-know base workout

for 12 Months
Phase 3 (women)

Phase 3 (women)

Days : Push (Monday and Thursday) Days : Pull (Tuesday and Friday) and a day of free cardio

4 days of training plus 1 day of cardio

for 12 Months
Phase 3 ( men)

Phase 3 ( men)

Day : Push (Monday and Thursday) Day : Pull (Tuesday and Friday) plus a day of free cardio

4 days of workouts and 1 day of cardio

for 12 Months
Phase 4 (5-day routine for advanced men)

Phase 4 (5-day routine for advanced men)

Day 1: Chest & Biceps Day 2: Legs & Calves Day 3: Abdomen Day 4: Shoulders & Triceps Day 5: Back & Rear Delts Day 6: Fun Cardio 30-60min Preferred activity that is not mandatory. Day 7: Absolute Rest.

5 days of exercise and 1 day of free cardio and 1 day of rest

for 12 Months
Phase 4 (5-day routine for advanced women)

Phase 4 (5-day routine for advanced women)

Day 1: Legs & Calves Day 2: Back & Abs Day 3: Shoulders & Triceps Day 4: Legs & Calves Day 5: Back & Abs Day 6: Fun Cardio 30-60min Preferred activity that is not mandatory. Day 7: Absolute Rest.

5 days of exercise and 1 day of free cardio and 1 day of rest

for 12 Months
WOMEN : Be “G” High Performance Training

WOMEN : Be “G” High Performance Training

Description: The Be "G" System will provide alternatives for people totally sedentary as elite athletes in strength preparation for any _sport We have a program that everyone can carry out since it goes from a level of adaptation and learning without having to use equipment very advanced , in fact at the beginning you only need a small space to do the exercises, then leaves leveling up _ adding slightly stronger exercises, as the condition improves| _ physical . This basic system It consists of 4 levels that can be achieve in a time of 3 to 4 months and it goes accompanied by a nutritional plan very simple but at the same time effective. Be "X" has a service personalized that it will carry you physical to the maximum level since of this how barriers and limits can be broken having queries weekly with our creator he prestigious coach Juan Cortes, the which personally will be adjusting both the training like diet _according to your advances or needs. It is highly recommended that people already have made the 4 starting levels to guarantee the fluidity of the System and that everything Oh in the time established . This system is designed so that people have changes very noticeable in a space of 3 months and in fact that should be the end for each aim significant . For another side our system aims to create a community where all we can tell and share our experiences , this would be very useful because us would give answers to which we happens and why __ whether or not it costs achieve our goals. At our application tea can achieve not only with training for all people and in 4 lexels but also you will get Challenges that are going to happen to you stimulate and reinforce you will to achieve more effectively your goals . Our motto is " nexer tea give up " or in English "Never Give Up" Download our Genius Trainer application and if you don't have a watch intelligent tea we recommend buy A GENIUS WATCH so you can enjoy all the data it provides, doing everything this vital information when planning your new training .

for 6 Weeks
MEN Be “G” High Performance Training

MEN Be “G” High Performance Training

Description: The Be "G" System will provide alternatives for people totally sedentary as elite athletes in strength preparation for any _sport We have a program that everyone can carry out since it goes from a level of adaptation and learning without having to use equipment very advanced , in fact at the beginning you only need a small space to do the exercises, then leaves leveling up _ adding slightly stronger exercises, as the condition improves| _ physical . This basic system It consists of 4 levels that can be achieve in a time of 3 to 4 months and it goes accompanied by a nutritional plan very simple but at the same time effective. Be "X" has a service personalized that it will carry you physical to the maximum level since of this how barriers and limits can be broken having queries weekly with our creator he prestigious coach Juan Cortes, the which personally will be adjusting both the training like diet _according to your advances or needs. It is highly recommended that people already have made the 4 starting levels to guarantee the fluidity of the System and that everything Oh in the time established . This system is designed so that people have changes very noticeable in a space of 3 months and in fact that should be the end for each aim significant . For another side our system aims to create a community where all we can tell and share our experiences , this would be very useful because us would give answers to which we happens and why __ whether or not it costs achieve our goals. At our application tea can achieve not only with training for all people and in 4 lexels but also you will get Challenges that are going to happen to you stimulate and reinforce you will to achieve more effectively your goals . Our motto is " nexer tea give up " or in English "Never Give Up" Download our Genius Trainer application and if you don't have a watch intelligent tea we recommend buy A GENIUS WATCH so you can enjoy all the data it provides, doing everything this vital information when planning your new training .

for 6 Weeks


Es una práctica inspirada en el Vinyasa yoga, que busca el desarrollo de la conexión entre cuerpo y mente, estando consiente de cada movimiento, sincronizando la respiración; práctica con la que procuramos mantener los niveles de ansiedad controlados y generando movilidad para estar activos

for 12 Months
Women Ladder Sets

Women Ladder Sets

Women In Sets Ladder sistem

brindará alternativas para personas totalmente sedentarias como deportistas de élite en fuerza Preparación para cualquier _sport Tenemos un programa que todo el mundo puede llevar a cabo ya que va desde un nivel de adaptación y aprendizaje sin tener que utilizar equipos muy avanzados, de hecho al principio solo necesitas un pequeño espacio para Haga los ejercicios, luego deje de subir de nivel _ agregando ejercicios un poco más fuertes, a medida que la condición mejore | _físico. Este sistema básico consta de 4 niveles que se pueden lograr en un tiempo de 3 a 4 meses y va acompañado de un plan nutricional muy sencillo pero a la vez efectivo. Be "X" cuenta con un servicio personalizado que te llevará físico al máximo nivel ya que de esta manera barreras y límites se pueden romper teniendo consultas semanales con nuestro creador, el prestigioso entrenador Juan Cortés, el cual personalmente irá ajustando tanto el entrenamiento como la dieta _according a sus avances o necesidades. Es muy recomendable que las personas ya hayan realizado los 4 niveles iniciales para garantizar el fluidez del Sistema y que todo Oh en el tiempo establecido. Este sistema está diseñado para que las personas tengan cambios muy notorios en un espacio de 3 meses y de hecho Ese debe ser el fin para cada objetivo significativo. Por otro lado, nuestro sistema tiene como objetivo crear una comunidad donde todos podamos contar y compartir nuestras experiencias , esto sería muy útil porque nos daría respuestas a lo que nos sucede y por qué __ si o no no cuesta alcanzar nuestros objetivos. En nuestra aplicación el té puede lograr no solo con capacitación para todas las personas y en 4 lexeles, sino que también Los retos que te van a suceder estimulan y refuerzan tu voluntad de lograr más efectivamente sus objetivos. Nuestro lema es "nexer tea give up" o en inglés "Never give up" Descárgate nuestra aplicación Genius Trainer y si no tienes un reloj de té inteligente te recomendamos comprar UN RELOJ GENIUS para que puedas disfrutar de todos los datos que proporciona, haciendo todo lo posible esta información vital cuando Planifica tu nueva formación

for 6 Weeks
Men Sets Ladder

Men Sets Ladder

Be”G” Men In Sets Ladder

brindará alternativas para personas totalmente sedentarias como deportistas de élite en fuerza Preparación para cualquier _sport Tenemos un programa que todo el mundo puede llevar a cabo ya que va desde un nivel de adaptación y aprendizaje sin tener que utilizar equipos muy avanzados, de hecho al principio solo necesitas un pequeño espacio para Haga los ejercicios, luego deje de subir de nivel _ agregando ejercicios un poco más fuertes, a medida que la condición mejore | _físico. Este sistema básico consta de 4 niveles que se pueden lograr en un tiempo de 3 a 4 meses y va acompañado de un plan nutricional muy sencillo pero a la vez efectivo. Be "X" cuenta con un servicio personalizado que te llevará físico al máximo nivel ya que de esta manera barreras y límites se pueden romper teniendo consultas semanales con nuestro creador, el prestigioso entrenador Juan Cortés, el cual personalmente irá ajustando tanto el entrenamiento como la dieta _according a sus avances o necesidades. Es muy recomendable que las personas ya hayan realizado los 4 niveles iniciales para garantizar el fluidez del Sistema y que todo Oh en el tiempo establecido. Este sistema está diseñado para que las personas tengan cambios muy notorios en un espacio de 3 meses y de hecho Ese debe ser el fin para cada objetivo significativo. Por otro lado, nuestro sistema tiene como objetivo crear una comunidad donde todos podamos contar y compartir nuestras experiencias , esto sería muy útil porque nos daría respuestas a lo que nos sucede y por qué __ si o no no cuesta alcanzar nuestros objetivos. En nuestra aplicación el té puede lograr no solo con capacitación para todas las personas y en 4 lexeles, sino que también Los retos que te van a suceder estimulan y refuerzan tu voluntad de lograr más efectivamente sus objetivos. Nuestro lema es "nexer tea give up" o en inglés "Never give up" Descárgate nuestra aplicación Genius Trainer y si no tienes un reloj de té inteligente te recomendamos comprar UN RELOJ GENIUS para que puedas disfrutar de todos los datos que proporciona, haciendo todo lo posible esta información vital cuando Planifica tu nueva formación

for 6 Weeks
Phase 2 MEN Home Workout

Phase 2 MEN Home Workout

A perfect home workout for those times when we can't go to the gym,But Ginny Streiner comes up with a solution so you can train at home in the easiest way possible

for 1 Month
Phase 2 WOMEN Home Workout

Phase 2 WOMEN Home Workout

A perfect home workout for those times when we can't go to the gym,But Ginny Streiner comes up with a solution so you can train at home in the easiest way possible

for 1 Month
Phase 3 WOMEN Home Workout

Phase 3 WOMEN Home Workout

Phase 3 A perfect home workout for those times when we can't go to the gym,But Ginny Streiner comes up with a solution so you can train at home in the easiest way possible

for 1 Month
Phase 3 MEN Home Workout

Phase 3 MEN Home Workout

Phase 3 A perfect home workout for those times when we can't go to the gym,But Ginny Streiner comes up with a solution so you can train at home in the easiest way possible

for 1 Month

Genius Trainer

You have a very sensible perspective on health and fitness! Sustainability is critical to maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the long term, and this is where GeniusFitWatch and GeniusTrainer come into play. Short-term programs, such as those for 1-month challenges, may provide temporary results, but are often not sustainable in the long term. Instead of relying on pre-set programs, it's much more beneficial to learn how to build and maintain a personalized health and fitness plan with the help of GeniusFitWatch and GeniusTrainer. This includes understanding how to make healthy food choices, setting realistic and sustainable goals, and developing an exercise routine that you enjoy and can maintain over time. With GeniusFitWatch, you can track your progress and get personalized recommendations to maintain a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, GeniusTrainer gives you the tools and guidance needed to build a meal plan that suits your individual needs and preferences. GeniusTrainer." Remember that consistency and adaptability are key when it comes to long-term health and fitness. Maintaining balance and making adjustments as personal circumstances change is essential to maintaining a healthy and sustainable lifestyle with the assistance of GeniusFitWatch and GeniusTrainer."

Genius Trainer
Genius Trainer
Genius Trainer

Complete personalised fitness solution

One-to-one Video Calls

Connect with me over one-to-one video calls to discuss your goals, progress, techniques and more.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Weekly Check-ins

Check-in with weekly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Make amends whenever required.

Personalised Workouts

Get frequent tweaks on your workout plan based on your heart rate, feedback and of course, your schedule & preferences.

Customised Nutrition

Get meal plans based on your dietary preferences. I will constantly update your plan to ensure you get to eat what you like while keeping it healthy.

Fall in love with fitness

Meet the stronger, faster, and more confident version of yourself.